Who we are
Strommarkttreffen is an open and free-of-charge network of energy professionals in academia, policy, industry and nonprofits. We are interested in electricity markets, energy policy and power systems. We have more than 4000 members working at universities and research institutes, for ministries and regulators, with network operators and utilities, and associations and consulting firms. This platform fosters exchange to make research more policy-relevant and policy more science-based. See members list.
What we do
We meet for monthly workshops at one of our partner institutions, maintain this website, and run an open email list. At the workshops we present our research and discuss energy policy. The website provides a resource pool for energy professionals. The email list is used to post job openings, share publications and provide data. We appreciate a friendly, constructive style. Most meetings and email posts are in German. Join.
Institutions (Berlin)
University courses (Berlin)
Blogs & Newsletter
Data sources
HowTo / FAQ
Online presentations
All seminars are open and free and last exactly 30 minutes. You are welcome to join! The Strommarkttreffen Online is a new digital format. It does not have a curated program. Instead, the presentors just choose their topic and timeslot. You can find more information on the German Strommarkttreffen online page. The list below is filtered for English presentations.